Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Opinion: Then It Begins...

By: Dave Gremillion

Had Shakespeare lived in 2014, I'm sure one of his sayings would have been "Cry Havoc and let slip the fanboys of Star Wars!"

For the first time since Disney acquired the franchise, we have a major character announcement. Not the confirmation of Artoo or the Big Three, but an actual central character that will become part of the Star Wars franchise for all time.

"Kanan", described by Dave Filoni as a "Cowboy Jedi", is the head of the "Ghost" crew. He looks similar to "Sokka" from the Last Airbender series. He's a no nonsense type of character who is clearly haunted by his past, having locked his lightsaber away long ago. He is voiced by Freddie Prinze, Jr, a long time actor who is no stranger to voice acting. His credits include several episodes of Robot Chicken as well as Mass Effect 3 and Mass Effect: Paragon Lost.

The fanboys erupted...and not in a good way.

"That loser from Scooby-Doo?"


"Well this is shaping up to be a total crap fest (sic)."

"Why Disney? Why are you ruining my life?"

Those are actual quotes I scraped off of Facebook. I was too sickened to look at Twitter, G+, or Reddit. Parts of the fanbase have become so jaded, or immature, that any announcement of any cast member for any part of Star Wars for the foreseeable future will be given the same disrespect.

In 2013, it was announced that Ben Affleck would be the next Caped Crusader in the upcoming Batman/Superman movie. The Internet nearly exploded with negative criticism. I recall Heath Ledger getting the same treatment, as did Christian Bale, as did many others who came before them.

You want to spew hate on Ryan Reynolds for being a lousy Green Lantern? Sure, we can do that now that the movie has been out for a few years. You want to fill the Internet with negativity about "Batman and Robin" because of...everything? Sure, go for it...after witnessing its horrors.

But surely, as human beings, we can have the decency to not belittle a show we haven't seen, an actor whose voice hasn't been aired, simply because of our own internal prejudices. Not long ago, I started watching the Clone Wars (2008) for the first time. Prior to that, I'd heard some nastiness puked onto the web from "fans" about various characters including Ahsoka Tano.

I kept my mouth shut.

I hadn't seen the show yet, had met Ashley Eckstein only once, and had the maturity to understand that every series has fans and haters...after the show had aired.

Casting announcements for Episode VII will be released over the coming months. I pray those of you with a keyboard take two seconds to think before becoming heartless Keyboard Warriors.



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