Saturday, January 25, 2014

(Updated) New Star Wars MMORPG Coming Soon?

By: Benjamin Hart

Could a new "Massively multiplayer online role-playing game" be in development? After the announce that his company would be shutting down several online games, including Clone Wars Adventures, Sony Online Entertainment(SOE) President John Smedley hosted an Ask Me Anything(AMA) on Reddit. One person's question lead him to give a very surprising answer:

If you could relaunch a shutdown title which one would you pick and what would you do differently this time?

John Smedley:
SWG. I would do everything differently.
SWG PLAYERS - OUR NEXT GAME (not announced yet) IS DEDICATED TO YOU. Once we launch it... you can come home now.

Well, that escalated quickly. It sounds like Star Wars gamers are in for a treat. Even thought he didn't really confirm it as a Star Wars game, I think it's implied. The real question is; will this be a relaunch/reboot of Star Wars Galaxies, or will it be a brand new game in the same vein? Galaxies was shut down at the end of 2011 after an eight year run, leaving many angry fans behind. A game like this, which could tie into Star Wars Rebels and/or the Sequel films would be a fan pleasing addition to the franchise. We look forward to an official confirmation of this game by Lucasfilm!

Special thanks to Club SWU member Paul R. for bringing this to our attention!

Update: John Smedley has tweeted about this and he confirms that it is NOT a Star Wars game.


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