Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Caption Contest Results | 1/8/14

By: Benjamin Hart

Here we are again with another round of caption contest winners! This week we featured this photo of a creative cosplayer that mashed up Indiana Jones with a Stormtrooper. Our fans on Facebook to took captioning it, and voting for their favorite captions. The hilarious results are below!

1st Place | By: Erin Gaffney

2nd Place

Aren't you a little fat to be a Stormtrooper Indy?
By: Luke Allen

Harrison... go home! You're drunk!
By: John Gale

Indiana Trooper in Raiders of the Lost Death Star.
By: David Hackett

Junior, that will never get us past the Nazis. Quit playing around.
By: Tom Zuehlsdorff

"Ewoks! Why did it have to be Ewoks?"
By: Ryan Weavell

Throw me the rebels, I throw you the whip.
By: John Boutin

Star Wars Episode VII: Attack of the Jones
By: Adam McGlynn

TK-421 and the Raiders of the Lost Sandcrawler. Coming to a theater near you.
By: Zacc Hiatt

3rd Place

Aren't you a little short for a Risk taking, artifact chasing, College professor?
By: Timothy M Estep

Friends don't let friends mix genres....
By: Adam McGlynn

HJJ-421, why aren't you at your post?
By: Eric Ford

Why did it have to be Mynocks? I hate Mynocks.
By: Jason Wotring

Aren't you a little short for Indiana Jones?
By: Chris Panuzzo

Aren't you a little fat to be a grave robber?
By: Kubkowski Rob

Professor of Archaeology, master of the occult... obtainer of rare Droids.
By: Benjamin Burnham

Big thanks to everyone who participated this week, and congrats to the winners! 'Like' our Facebook page and be on the lookout for future caption contests every week.

Note: If you know who the cosplayer is in this photo, or who took the photo, please let us know so we can give proper credit!


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