Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Rumor: James Blunt Confirms Carrie Fisher Will Be In Episode VII

By: Benjamin Hart

News about Star Wars Episode VII sometimes comes from the most unlikely places. A perfect example is this report that just surfaced, which claims that British musician James Blunt has confirmed that Carrie Fisher will indeed be in Episode VII. Now why would he confirm something like this? Well, as it turns out Mr. Blunt and Carrie are actually good friends and even lived together. Darryl J. Wilson of Sci Fi Central Australia posted this on Jedi News' Facebook page:

"DJ from down-under reporting that on the Australian Channel 10 news show 'The Project' British pop musician JAMES BLUNT, who lived with CARRIE FISHER for some time, confirmed that she WILL be reprising her role in Ep 7. Even though Blunt is a renown jokester, it seemed legit."

Now so far we've gotten several so-called "confirmations" about her involvement in Episode VII. Carrie herself let it slip more than once that she will be in the film. Put that together with other things we've heard and you can pretty much bet Princess Leia herself will be back on the big screen in 2015. Even so, take all this with a grain of salt and wait for an official confirmation from Lucasfilm!

So, is this legitimate? Do you want to see an older Princess Leia in Episode VII? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook.

Source: Metro


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