Thursday, December 19, 2013

New 'Clone Wars' Bonus Content Details Revealed

By: Dominic Jones has posted the third part in their exclusive interview with Dave Filoni, Supervising Director of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Executive Producer on Star Wars Rebels, and in that interview Filoni revealed some new details about The Clone Wars Bonus Content and the upcoming animated series Star Wars Rebels.  

On the Bonus Content, Filoni said, 
"The finished episodes were the ones that were already pretty far down the track in terms of production. They were very near completion. 

When you look at level of importance to wrap things up for fans, I think that two story arcs that fans will get to see are really, really important for the overall Clone Wars story. So I’m very glad that fans will get to see them in their completed form. 

It’s not like all of the bonus material that comes out was planned on really answering things for fans. It’s more, “This is where we were headed,” and the Yoda story arc [announced on Twitter] definitely gives a sense of closure. One of the story arcs, which is very short, is not essential to the overall story but it is a nice final showcase for one of the prequel characters.

The stories coming out definitely will cause a lot of debate and discussion among fans, which is what good Star Wars stories always do, and I look forward to talking about the stories with them when the time is right"

On Ahsoka's future, Filoni said,
"Oh, yeah. I don’t know that you want a definite ending… I think a lot of people just want to know whether she lives or she dies. And most people don’t feel like there’s an ending unless she dies. I can see that point, but the fact is that that story can go on if you want it to, and we definitely had stories with her after that episode. That’s no secret. It’s an ending of one large phase for that character, which is, “What does it mean for me to be in the Clone War and what’s my role in it?” And she chooses a different path than the Jedi do, or the Republic chooses. So she’s now on this kind of third strand. She doesn’t become a part of the Empire, though I don’t think Ahsoka would consider herself a Jedi in the post-Republic era. We’re not at that point yet. I don’t want to reveal to the audience how far or how long her story goes on. Does it go past Order 66 or not? That’s all been discussed in detail, I assure you. [Laughs]

What happens next with her, and when you see it, that’s kind of the fun, I think. Fans can say, “Maybe we will get to see that.” Just like when I was a kid, “Maybe I will get to see what Darth Vader was like when he was young,” and then I did, finally. So I think that it’s encouraging that some characters are still out there from Clone Wars. Characters like Rex, Wolffe, Hondo, Embo, they haven’t been forgotten, and we can still have stories told about them."

And finally, Filoni said about Rebels, 
"Oh, that’s very challenging. It’s a legacy thing that a lot of us take very seriously. It’s not just about telling the stories; it’s how the stories get made, it’s the quality of the stories that we’re telling. There’s a certain feeling that Lucasfilm stories have that we need to maintain. 

So there’s a lot of responsibility, and yet it’s exciting, too, when you work with new people from the outside. And that’s a very important part of Star Wars, is to have new ideas, and new things come into it, and to be open to new ideas. It’s where that meets that you get the real creativity in Star Wars, and I think it’s meeting well. I’m excited by the people I’m working with now, and I’m excited by the results that we’re getting on Rebels. We’re moving very fast, but we have some really great stuff happening already. It’s different from Clone Wars, and it should be. I know some fans just see Rebels as an extension of Clone Wars, but it’s not. It’s an entirely different thing with a different feeling and a different vibe" 

There's a lot of good stuff in there, so be sure to tune into the SWU Podcast tonight at 9 pm EST to hear us break it all down (it will be available for download tomorrow if you can't make the live show!)


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