Friday, December 13, 2013

Disney Expects Finished Episode VII Script in January

By: Dominic Jones

Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn spoke at Variety's Dealmakers Breakfast and he, naturally, addressed the upcoming Star Wars. Variety's Marc Graser was in attendance and live tweeted the event.   According to Horn, Disney is expecting the script for Star Wars Episode VII to be finished next month.  More interestingly, however, is that the film has no budget and that Disney is expecting it to cost around $200 million.
Horn also re-iterated the plan to have a Star Wars film released every year.
Having the script be finished in January does line up with the expectation for the film to go in front of cameras in spring 2014.   Also a $200 million budget is pretty much par for the course when it comes to block buster movies nowadays (for example, Thor: The Dark World cost $170 million, Iron Man 3 cost $200 million, The Avengers cost $220 million, and Star Trek Into Darkness cost $190 million).


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