Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Rumor: Desney Exec. Confirms Late 2015 Release Date for Episode VII

By: Dominic Jones

The back and forth between the rumored Episode VII release dates continues!  Many have speculated that Disney would move the release date for Star Wars Episode VII to later in 2015 (rather than summer) and now a Disney executive has all but confirmed that on Twitter.  Denis Barbie, the director of retail and direct to customer for The Walt Disney Company in the Netherlands revealed that Disney was planning Episode VII for a "end 2015" release date.   Barbie said ",Saw today some awsome first features/plans of new StarWars 7 movie coming end 2015. studio role out." 
While this flies in the face of all official statements from Disney/Lucasfilm, which call for a Spring/Summer release of Episode VII, it does validate many of the rumors that have been flying around for the last couple of months about a December release date.  This would also make sense in light of the recent rumors of Lucasfilm president and Episode VII Producer Kathleen Kennedy requesting that the release date be moved to 2016 (a request that was denied by Disney CEO Bob Iger).

While this seems to confirm a slight change in plans for Disney, a lot can change before the film's release.  So take this with a grain of salt until an official release date is confirmed.


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