Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rumor: Clone Wars DVD/Blu-rays Coming October 15th, 'Bonus Content' Not Included

By: Benjamin Hart

Our friends at RebelForce Radio have acquired some "insider info" on some upcoming Star Wars: The Clone Wars DVD/Blu-ray releases as well as the infamous "bonus content". They posted the following on their Facebook page:

Clone Wars Season 5 DVD Release Date Info: RFR is hearing inside info that Season 5 is scheduled to be released in the US on 10/15/13 and WILL NOT include any "Bonus Content" episodes. There is also a Collectors Edition of Seasons 1-5 that will come out at the same time, again no "Bonus Content", but it will contain a book. This title is scheduled to be announced on 7/26, so it should show up on Amazon on Friday. This season will have a really cool picture of Obi-Wan on the box.... We are also hearing that no "Bonus Content" video or info will be announced at [Celebration Europe II]

The collectors edition and book sound awesome. And if you're one of the many anxiously awaiting news on the the remaining episodes of the Clone Wars, a.k.a the "Bonus content", this is both good and bad news. It's encouraging to know that it will have it's own special release and not squeezed into the season five set as, just that, bonus content. But on the other hand, we have been patiently waiting for Celebration Europe in hopes that more would be revealed about the Bonus content there. If this opportunity passes without any word on when & how it will be released, our next, and foreseeable last, chance to get info on it will be Disney's D23 Expo in August.

Even though Jason & Jimmy Mac at RebelForce Radio have never steered us wrong, we still have to take this as a rumor until an official announcement comes from Lucasfilm.


ERG said...

I wonder if the Clovis arc Will be considered season 5 or bonus content.

ERG said...
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BadTucker said...

i bet its the Rebels teaser vid :D

Unknown said...

I just don't understand the secrecy and/o r reluctance to include the "Bonus Content" on either the shortened Season 5, and/or the Collector's Edition of Seasons 1-5. Depending on the number of additional episodes they have, I'm thinking just one more BD disc would probably cover it. I doubt they have more than another whole half season's worth. And each disc generally held what 8-9 episodes?

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