Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lucasfilm Registers Several New Domain Names

By: Dominic Jones

With the announcement that EA will be making Star Wars games for the foreseeable future, it's time to start speculating as to what those games will be.  And while we shouldn't expect a new game until at least 2014, we know work must be beginning on those games almost immediately.  We may have just gotten our fist hints as to what some of those games will be.  The website Fusible has discovered that  Lucasfilm recently registered nine new domain names, and based on recent history it seems likely that they will become video games.  The domains are:

This is hardly the first time we've been down this path.  The now cancelled video games Star Wars 1313 and Star Wars: First Assault as well as the museum exhibit Star Wars: Identities were first revealed to us by way of domain names.  So it's likely that some of, if not all, the domain names will be explained in the not-too-distant future.

Now let's take a look at the various domain names.   For the purposes of this, we're assuming all the domain names are for games.  They could turn out to actually be books, comics, TV series, etc.  But based on the timing (just days after the EA announcement) it seems like a safe assumption.  Also, what follows is purely speculation.

Gungan Frontier -  I know this sounds like an April Fools Day joke, but it's serious.  It will probably be some sort of mobile game aimed at younger audiences who actually enjoy Jar Jar and the gungans.  It could be fun, but expect the prequels haters to turn their hate-o-meter up to 11 when this one comes out

Order 67 - I know what you're thinking: "That sounds like a Robot Chicken sketch" and honestly it does.  But agian this could be cool.  It sounds like another mobile games, granted a more adult mobile game, that could possibly be set in the dark times era and have clone/storm troopers hunting down Jedi after Order 66.  Pure speculation on my part, but wouldn't that be cool

Star Wars Alliance - This is a bit more ambiguous because it could really be just about anything.  The obvious choice is that it's set in the original trilogy era and features the Rebel Alliance, but it could also help bridge the gap between Episodes VI and VII and be about the Rebel Alliance taking over power in the galaxy and taking out the Imperial Remanent (or whatever they're going to call it).  Again nothing but speculation.

Star Wars Wolf Pack and Wolf Pack Adventures - This one sounds like another one for the kids.  And will likely feature the 104th Wolf Pack clone trooper battalion from the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.  Could be another mobile game, or perhaps an online game through  Regardless i can think of at least a few fans who would love this games.

Wookiee Hunters -  This sounds like another more adult mobile game, perhaps based on the season 3 finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Trandoshans vs. Wookiees anyone?)  And could be a lot of fun.


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