Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Plastic Strikes Back - April 2013

If you missed it we apologise but the Plastic Strikes Back returns!

Over the last three months production on our project has unfortunately slowed, in February there were constraints on my time due to work. Then March was another slow month as we had to stop production while we built a new display for our ever growing Star Wars collection.

Never fear, we are back in production and the Plastic Strikes Back is now the primary focus over at KM:Star Wars Collector, so let's take a look at what we have done in the last three months.

When we left off we promised the next update would have AT-ATs and here's the first tease as the Rebel Troopers first spot them through their macrobinoculars.

Next we see the Snowspeeder pilots heading out to join the battle.

The Battle of Hoth begins and we see the first Rebel causalities, including poor Dak Ralter.

Most recently we've done this scene with General Veers communicating with Vader in the cockpit of his AT-AT.

Hope you've enjoyed this update, next time we see Wedge in action so check next month for another update and if you can't wait there's updates most weeks on the KM:SWC Facebook page.

Finally don't forget to check out the project so far in our Facebook album and give us a 'like'!


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