Monday, April 22, 2013

Rumor: Kathleen Kennedy to Become Disney CEO in 2015

By: Dominic Jones

From Amblin Entertainment to The Kennedy/Marshall Company to Lucasfilm to Disney?  Could Disney CEO be the next stop on the incredible career path of Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy?  Variety is reporting that there is possibility of that happening.  Variety's Marc Graser recently published an article criticizing Disney CEO Bob Iger's handling of the recent layoffs, in which he speculates about who might take over from Iger when he retires in 2015.  Graser states, "Many expect theme park and resorts chief Thomas Staggs to land the CEO role, although there are rumblings that Lucasfilm’s Kathleen Kennedy also may now be in the running."  Kennedy has had a phenomenal career, she was recently honored with the Pioneer Award at Cinema Con, and if she continues to have success running Lucasfilm it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to see her running Disney some day, if she feels so inclined.  Should Kennedy become CEO of Disney, it would make her the first woman to hold the title in the history of the company.

While this is just a rumor, it would be interesting to see a filmmaker take over as head of Disney and how that might change the culture of the company.  No offense meant to Bob Iger, who has done an excellent job with the company, he is a business man and would naturally approach things with a different perspective than someone like Kennedy, who has produced over 60 films.  One of things that made Kennedy's hiring at Lucasfilm so well accepted was that she is a filmmaker, hand picked by George Lucas, and will hopefully continue to approach the franchise with an eye towards creativity, rather than just finances (although that is an important part as well).  

For this to come to fruition however, it seems that the Lucasfilm brand must thrive under Kennedy and given that Iger is expected to retire in 2015, that doesn't give her much time as Star Wars Episode VII, the first Star Wars film under her guidance, isn't due to hit theaters in 2015 at the earliest.  So while it would be excellent to see Kennedy take over, it seems unlikely.  But you never know...


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