Thursday, April 18, 2013

Caption Contest Winners | 4/18/13

By: Benjamin Hart

Our Facebook fans had a lot to say about this photo of the Dark Lord of the Sith himself washing a car. Check out the hilarious results of this week's caption contest below:

1st Place | By: Mat Huffman

2nd Place

Sadly Chad Vader was fired as day shift manager.
By: Chad Lindstrom

I told Rex not to park under the Fosh nest.
By: John Elliot Cutright

If stormtroopers can't wash my car then I will.
By: Alejandro Cesar Sanchez

3rd Place

Wonder if Wicket will realize I changed his plates from EWOK to EKOW!!!
By: Stephen Kubanovich

Dirt and grime is insignificant next to the power of the force!
By: Jessica Miriam Mayorga

Now that his car is clean Mr. Abrams will be most pleased. I hope he includes me in the next movie.
By: Adrian Lavin

Join in on future caption contests (almost)every Wednesday on our Facebook page


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