Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Star Wars Reference on "The Daily Show"

By: Dominic Jones

It is not uncommon for Star Wars references to make their way onto Comedy Central's The Daily Show With Jon Stewart.  Jon Stewart is admittedly a Star Wars fan as are many of the show's writers.  However, the most recent reference was different because it was not made by Stewart, but by his guest, New York Mets pitcher and 2012 National league Cy Young award winner, R.A. Dickey.  Dickey appeared on December 4th, 2012 episode to discuss his participation in the upcoming documentary Knuckleball! and was asked by Stewart about the fraternity of knuckleball pitchers in Major League Pitchers.  Dickey replied with "I was so fortunate to be exposed to, what I call, the Jedi Council of knuckleballers."  The reference got a great laugh from the crowd as well as Stewart.

It's always nice to see the worlds of sports and Star Wars coming together!


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