Ever since Solo: A Star Wars Story opened in theaters to disappointing box office returns, there has been concern about the future of non-saga Star Wars films. There have been some reports that the films have all been put on hold or cancelled, while others say that only one film has been cancelled and more films are still in development. Now, one the production designers who has been working on the new Star Wars films has confirmed that at least one film they were working on has been shelved, and he dropped an interesting tidbit about the cancelled film.
Neil Lamont, who was production designer on Solo and Rogue One, spoke with Cinemablend and said,
"We were just starting our work on another Star Wars spin-off and yeah. We were actually just making our mark on Tatooine -- which would have been interesting and some other new galaxies. So hopefully, if that comes back, we'll get the chance to be able to do that further."
This lines up with MakingStarWars.net's report from June that a film about the Mos Eisley Cantina was cancelled. Though the film was never actually announced, it was apparently in active development with studio space reserved for building sets and whatnot. This space was given up when the film was cancelled, which may have led to all the rumors about the future stand-alones being in trouble At the time MSW reported,
"Crew members of the previous Star Wars film said
they believed the other movie was about the spaceport Luke Skywalker
goes into the original film. In other words, my sources are saying this
movie we never even heard about was canned or postponed and it does not
mean the Obi-Wan Kenobi and Boba Fett films are doomed."
Now, a film set on Tatooine could also have been either of the long rumored Ob-Wan Kenobi and Boba Fett films too. Both characters have significant ties to the planet. However, MSW's report that the timing of the cancellation of the Mos Eisley film combined with Solo's relative failure may have caused some people behind the scenes to panic about the future of the spin offs in general leads me to believe that it's the Mos Eisley film that Lamont is referring to.
There has been no announcement about what the first film after Episode IX will be. Lucasfilm has previously announced new trilogies from The Last Jedi's Rian Johnson and Game Of Thrones' David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, however no release dates have been set. It was assumed by many fans that the next film we would see be either the rumored Obi-Wan film from Stephen Daldry or the rumored Boba Fett film from James Mangold, though neither film has never been officially announced.
It does sound like this Tatooine film would have been next, which begs the question of why it was cancelled? Was it because of Solo? Or was something else? It wouldn't be the first time Lucasfilm had issues with a director, for example. It will be interesting to see what else we may learn about this film and if the project is ever revived.
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