Friday, January 12, 2018

Best Buy and Target Exclusive 'The Last Jedi' Home Media Releases Available for Pre-Order Now

By: Dominic Jones

Although the release date for Star Wars: The Last Jedi on home media has not yet been released, Lucasfilm is already encouraging fans to pre-order their copies.  The official Star Wars Movies Facebook page posted links to the pre-order pages for three retailer exclusive versions of the film's home media release, two from Best Buy and one from Target.  The Best Buy versions are a steelbook copy of the film's 4K Ultra HD release (which also includes a blu-ray copy and a digital download) and a steelbook copy of the film on blu-ray (which also includes a DVD copy and a digital download).  The Target exclusive blu-ray release includes a booklet of behind the scenes information (as well as DVD copy and a digital download).

The official release date for The Last Jedi on home media is not officially known, however it was reported last week that March 27th will be the date

The Facebook post also teases the bonus features that will be included on the home media release, saying the release, "includes over 2 hours of bonus footage, deleted scenes & more."  Check it out for yourself below,

Director Rian Johnson revealed previously that twenty minutes of deleted scenes will be included on the home media release, details about some of those scenes can be found here.  Johnson also shared on Instagram, before the film's release in theaters, that he had recorded a director's commentary for the film (however there is a chance this may be saved for a subsequent home media release, as was done with The Force Awakens).  

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Rob said...

I might have been interested in buying it... if The Last Jedi didn't suck as much as it did!

Rob said...

This film sucked!!

RayRiggins said...

All these Disney Star Wars movies suck.
Its a joke,im done!

Unknown said...

Some parts did. Most parts didn't. And the parts that sucked didn't suck more than the parts that sucked in the other Star Wars films. So quit wining and copying the negative buzz, sad panda's. Kisses from the Netherlands ;-)

Unknown said...

I'm with you here, this was a good film with some flaws in pacing and choices but the big picture story was super strong in my opinion. It definitely warrants multiple viewings as there are so many things to catch that you can't digest in one viewing. I'm excited to pick this up, especially in 4K with HDR!

Anonymous said...

My new hobby is listening to people try to defend this utterly indefensible movie. It's like comedy without the people realizing how funny they are. Thanks for the laughs...

RayRiggins said...

You guys serious? The movie really was horrible.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a constructive hobby. TLJ doesn’t need to be defended. It’s a perfectly fun and rollicking film with a few curve balls that seems to have ruffled some feathers. I’m sick of seeing all this super negative press about this film, as if it were some kind of bomb. One of the highest grossing films of all time, overwhelmingly positive critical reception - I’m sure Bob Iger is wringing his hands at this supposed “disaster”.

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