Tuesday, December 19, 2017

'The Last Jedi' Editor Talks About The Big Holdo Scene

By: Dominic Jones


One moment that consistently results in gasps of awe from the audience during Star Wars: The Last Jedi is the moment where Laura Dern's Vice Admiral Holdo jumps to hyperspace in The Raddus and crashes through Snoke's Mega-Destroyer and several other First Order star destroyers.  The way the score drops out and the theater goes totally silent and Holdo smashes her ship through her enemies is one of the film's best moments.  The Last Jedi editor Bob Ducsay spoke about that moment in a new interview with Collider, describing how the moment came to be.

Ducsay said, 
"The thing to me that’s the most interesting is that the way that the actual impact works was storyboarded. And when you watched it with storyboards, it was very, very, hard to understand. And we got the first iterations of the digital effects back from ILM, and it really didn’t work. We sort of revamped how it was going to work, and when that happened, it suddenly went from, ‘I’m not sure how this is going to work,’ to ‘This is obviously fantastic.’ Then the whole rest of the way, bringing it into finished digital effects was very quick, and surprised—I mean, I’d say it’s easy for us. We’re not the ones executing the visual effects, but the design of the scene, we basically had a breakthrough at one point in post-production. This was not something that was all figured out in production or prep, and it just came together and turned into just incredible." 

One thing I always enjoy about the scene on repeat viewings is hearing audience members react to seeing it for the first time.  All four times I've seen the film there's been an audible reaction throughout the theater.  If that isn't a sign of a scene succeeding, I don't know what is.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is in theaters now!

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