Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Rian Johnson Explains Rey's Force Vision in 'The Last Jedi'

By: Dominic Jones


One of the big mysteries that has been driving the sequel trilogy was the identity of Rey's parents.  The mystery of their identity is a focus for Rey's story line throughout The Last Jedi, up until the reveal that they are truly nobodies.  But before that reveal, Rey was willing to go to great lengths to find out their identity, including descending into a dark side cave on Ach-To where she has a vision of thousands of herself all trying to reach her parents. 

The Last Jedi writer/director Rian Johnson spoke about the scene in a new interview with /Film where he explained the meaning of her vision in the cave.  Johnson said,

"Well, the idea that this natural place reflected […] The idea that if there’s a Jedi Temple up top, the light, it has to be balanced by a place of great darkness.  We’re drawing a very obvious connection to Luke’s training and to Dagobah here, obviously.  And so the idea was if the up top is the light, down underneath is the darkness.  And she descends down into there and has to see, just like Luke did in the cave, her greatest fear.  And her greatest fear is [that], in the search for identity, she has nobody but herself to rely on."

While I find Johnson's answer interesting, this sequence is still a definite weak point in the film for me.  The consequences and meaning of Rey going into the cave are never really made clear in the film and the reveal that she's alone doesn't really teach us anything new about the character.  Granted, it does play into the scene later when Kylo tempts her by offering her the idea that she's not nobody to him.  However, we didn't really needed this scene to convey that.  Rey's weakness, as Kylo points out, is that she is so fixated on finding her parents that she can't figure out who she is on her own and this had already been made clear throughout The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi without ever needing a dark side cave sequence.  Still, I appreciate what Johnson was trying to do here even if it didn't land with me.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is in theaters now!

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