Sunday, March 26, 2017

Rebels Recon Teases Season Four Of 'Star Wars Rebels'

By: Benjamin Hart

Earlier today the third season of Star Wars Rebels ended with the two-part finale episode "Zero Hour", which focused on Grand Admiral Thrawn's fateful attack on Phoenix Squadron's secret base. As this season draws to a close, we can now begin to look ahead to the fourth season of the series.

The behind the scenes web show "Rebels Recon" has released a brand new episode focusing on "Zero Hour", and near the end of the video the creators offered some intriguing teases for what we can expect to see next season.

The Lucasfilm Story Group's Pablo Hidalgo remarks that the Ghost's crew mission to liberate Lothal is still important to them and will not be forgotten in the future.  Executive producer Dave Filoni confirms that Mon Mothma and Saw Gerrera will return in season four and the deterioration of their relationship will be shown as we move closer and closer to the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

He also teased the possibility of X-Wings finally appearing in the series and further confirmed that Mandalore will be seen. Later they revealed a piece of concept art(seen at the top of this page) from season four showing numerous battered Mandalorian helmets strewn across a smoky battlefield. Filoni also discusses how Rebels will ultimately get to tie up some of the loose ends left by Star Wars: The Clone Wars:

"The longer we've gone with this series, the more it just has occurred to me that Rebels really is in a lot of ways going to finish Clone Wars. It's going to give us an ending to so many things that I didn't get to finish."

You can watch the full Rebels Recon below(spoilers for "Zero Hour" included!):

We will surely learn much more about season four at the Star Wars Rebels panel at Star Wars Celebration Orlando happening Saturday, April 15th!

Source: Star Wars(YouTube)

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