By: Dominic Jones
There are many iconic names in the Star Wars galaxy and one of the challenges the new filmmakers have is coming up with new names that live up to them. Sometime they hit them out of the park (Director Orson Krennic), other times they fall a bit short (Supreme Leader Snoke). But it's not just characters, the names spaceships and planets are just as important to the feel of Star Wars.
Speaking at South By Southwest in Austin, Texas, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story director Gareth Edwards told the story told the story behind the name of the planet Scarif--the site of the final battle in his film. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Edwards told the crowd, the name came from a misspelling of his name on a coffee cup. "I must have said, 'It's Gareth,' and they wrote 'Scarif,'" said Edwards, eliciting laughs from those in attendance.
Coffee shops get a bad rep for spelling their customers names wrong on their cups all the time, but this is one instance where a simple mistake wound up benefiting millions of people.
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