By: Dominic Jones
One of the most exciting aspects of the anticipation for a new Star Wars movie is the countdown to, viewing, and analysis of a new trailer. But does the biggest film franchise in the world really even need trailers? The Force Awakens star Adam Driver (Kylo Ren) doesn't think so. Speaking with Cinemablend, Driver explained why he thinks it would be cool for Star Wars Episode VIII to not even have a trailer, saying,
Do you agree with Driver? Would you like to see Disney try a no trailer approach for future films? Or, like me, do you enjoy the trailers so much that you hope Disney keeps them coming? Let us know in the comments.
Star Wars Episode VIII opens on December 15th, 2017. It's written and directer by Rian Johnson and stars Daisy Ridley, Mark Hamill, Adam Driver, and John Boyega.
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