Sunday, May 8, 2016

Live From Lothal | Season Two in Review

On this episode Chris, Ben, and Dominic, are joined by long time SWU contributor Trey Atwood and SWU Patreon supporter Rusty Zion to look back at Season Two of Star Wars Rebels.  They look back at each character's storyline. as well as the season long arcs.  Plus, their favorite episodes, what didn't work so well this season, and what they hope to see in Season Three.  All this and much more!
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OfMiceMenandBob said...

Great review of Season 2, guys! Couple points about Asokha...
I figured the point of her calling herself Fulcrum was to hide her identity from Vader...but she doesn't seem to know who Vader really is. So why would a former Jedi who hasn't been around since she left the order need to hide her identity from someone she doesn't know? And in one of the earlier episodes with Asohka she says, "There are questions...questions that need to be answered." What questions beyond the obvious is Vader really Anikan? We don't see her character for a while after this which begs the question....where did she go? What questions did she ask? What were the answers? Who answered them? We don't know.
Season Two lost its focus on the crew of the Ghost.
And they used the final episode as sort of a climax for The Clone Wars.....but the show isn't really about Asokha...
So the producers and writers were just all over the place with so many different story lines all season.
Season 3 needs focus.

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