Saturday, March 12, 2016

Warwick Davis Starring in Episode VIII

By Ciaran Duggan,

The popular and well renowned movie actor, Warwick Davis, will star in the future installment of the Star Wars film saga.Warwick Davis is taking a break from shooting in the next episode of the Star Wars franchise - Star Wars: Episode VIII.

The photo above shows Davis zipping around on his mini segway in Dubrovnik, Croatia (where Episode VIII is being filmed).

At the age of 46, Warwick Davis is no stranger to the Star Wars Galaxy. The actor has played multiple characters in the movie franchise. Mr. Davis played Weazel and Wald in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Wollvian in The Force Awakens. Notwithstanding these characters, Davis' performance as Wicket the Ewok has been accredited by fans as his stand out role in the Star Wars franchise.

Warwick Davis as Wicket in Return of the Jedi

It is no surprise to see Warwick Davis has made a reprisal in another Star Wars film, and it will be fascinating to hear more information about the next character he plays in the franchises' next installment.

Who else would you like to see announced in the cast for Episode VIII?  Post your comments below.

Source: Daily Mail

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