Sunday, March 13, 2016

Photos and Videos From the 'Episode VIII' Filming in Dubrovnik (Updated!)

By: Dominic Jones

UPDATE: Unfortunately we were asked to remove the majority of the photos and videos featured in this article.  We have edited the article to remove any sensitive information.

Filming has begun for Star Wars Episode VIII in Dubrovnik, Croatia.  Over the past few weeks we've seen the sets being constructed on the city streets in preparation for the shoot.  Now, cast and crew have arrived and over the past 24 hours lots of new photos have emerged of extras in costume on the sets (we'll get to those in a moment).  Director Rian Johnson was also photographed arriving on set (in case there was any doubt the sets were built for Star Wars).  Check out that photo below (via,
Now onto the stuff that may be considered spoilers.  These next photos are by no means major spoilers, but they do show extras in costume on set.  So if you are trying to avoid all spoilers, stop reading now.  This is your SPOILER ALERT!

The Dubrovnik Times posted this video of a stuntman filming a scene on set.  This appears to be an alternate angle of another video posted yesterday.  Check it out below,

There looks to be some very interesting things going on in Dubrovnik, though there are still no signs of any main characters (granted we rarely saw any of the main cast in set pics during the production of The Force Awakens).   The video of the stuntman is very interesting.  It looks like he's either being thrown from an explosion (to be added later) or, perhaps, being Force pushed.
Sources: The Dubrovnik Times,, Star Wars Post

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