Exciting things are happening right now in Dubrovnik. Filming for scenes in Star Wars Episode VIII are taking place over the next few days. This has resulted in lots of fun (unofficial) sneak peaks at the film's sets, aliens, and a pretty interesting sequence. Earlier today, a video was posted by DuList showing a sequence being filmed. The video itself is pretty nondescript, however if you have been following the leaked set pictures of the past few days, you should have pretty good idea as to what's going on. But, if you don't want to know anything about Episode VIII stop reading now. This is your SPOILER ALERT!
The video shows a car with camera mounted on it rushing down the street. It's safe to say that this is for the speeder chase that is being filmed here. It looks like they are filming the reaction shots of the extras on set who are playing passers by who are witnessing the chase.
Keep up on the Dubrovnik set pics:
>>The finished set
>>The Police Force
>>Warwick Davis out and about in Dubrovnik
>>Rian Johnson arrives and stuntman in action
>>Extras in costume
>>TMZ leaks
>>A cruise ship, a speeder chase, and a giant creature
Source: DuList
Via: MakingStarWars.net
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