Monday, March 14, 2016

TMZ Leaks More Pictures From the 'Episode VIII' Set

By: Dominic Jones

Back during the early days of production on The Force Awakens, TMZ released a slew of pictures from the Abu Dhabi set.  Now, they're back with a bunch of pictures from the Star Wars Episode VIII set in Dubrovnik.  The pictures give us a look a some aliens, human extras, and other set pieces we have seen in other set pics released over the weekend.  These pictures do give us a sense of what is being shot in these scenes, so if you are trying to avoid all Episode VIII spoilers, stop reading now.  This is your SPOILER ALERT!
First, some extras in costume,

Next, another look at the landspeeder crash,

And finally, a few more shots from around the set,

You can check out the entire gallery over at TMZ.

There definitely seems to be a unified look among the characters in these sequences.  We've seen other pictures of similarly dressed characters on those sets as well as a police force of sorts that seems to fit the same style.

Source: TMZ

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