Thursday, March 17, 2016

New Preview for 'Star Wars: Bloodline' Released

By: Dominic Jones

A new preview for Star Wars: Bloodline, the upcoming novel by Claudia Gray (Star Wars: Lost Stars), has been spotted by Jedi-Bibliotek in the Amazon preview for the paperback release of Star Wars: Aftermath.  The preview gives us a bit of an overview of the political situation in the galaxy and explains what the role of "First Senator" is.  Check out the preview below,

An entire generation has flourished during an era of peace. The New Republic, governed by the Galactic Senate on Hosnian Prime, has held power for more than two decades. The wars that divided the galaxy are fading into legend.

Yet conflict has begun to take shape within the Senate. Two unofficial but powerful factions have formed – the Populists, who believe individual planets should retain almost all authority, and the Centrists, who favor a stronger galactic government and a more powerful military.

As this political gridlock threatens to cripple the fledgling democracy, Centrist leaders have called for the election of a “First Senator.” It is their hope that this powerful position will bring order to the divided Senate. But populists like Senator Leia Organa Solo know all too well the price of such order. Even as the election nears, the divisions between the worlds of the galaxy are growing wider…

Interesting to note, Leia is referred to as "Leia Organa Solo" in the preview.  Some have speculated this may be a typo, left over from the "Legends" days, but it's also very possible that Han and Leia could still be married at this point (still no indication of where Ben/Kylo is during this story).

Star Wars: Bloodline hits shelves on May 3rd, 2016.

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