Friday, March 4, 2016

New Photos of the 'Episode VIII' Set in Dubrovnik

By: Dominic Jones

With filming reportedly beginning next weekend (and dress rehearsals taking place this weekend), it looks like construction of the Star Wars Episode VIII set in Dubrovnik, Croatia is finally done.  We've been following the construction of the sets for several weeks, and now our friends at posted a new batch of pictures of the sets (at night) looking pretty much complete.  Check out the pictures below,

With the shop windows now covered up, with what appear to be doors, it looks like everything is ready for director Rian Johnson and whichever cast members are filming there.  Based on how good the sets look at night, it's seems safe to assume the scenes shot here will take place at night.  Some vehicles have also been spotted in the nearby area.  Take from that what you will.


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