Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Video: Construction of the 'Episode VIII' Sets in Dubrovnik

By: Dominic Jones

Over the last several days, many pictures have emerged of the construction of the sets for the Star Wars Episode VIII location shoot in Dubrovnik, Croatia.  Now a new video of the construction workers building the set has been released by the YouTube channel Ruptly TV.  There is not much here in terms of spoilers (filming has not yet begun and the actors are not there), but if you are trying to avoid absolutely everything related to Star Wars Episode VIII then you may want to skip the video.  This is you (very) Mild Spoiler Alert!  

It's pretty cool to get a look at the process of making these sets.  Also, how cool must it be for the pedestrians walking past to see that's where Star Wars will be filming in just a few weeks!


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