Thursday, February 18, 2016

'Star Wars Rebels: The Honorable Ones' Preview

By: Dominic Jones

Lucasfilm has released a new preview for next week's Star Wars Rebels episode "The Honorable Ones".  The preivew features Zeb and Agent Kallus trapped together on a moon of the planet Geonosis.  Kallus and Zeb have a long history together, going back to the Season One episode "Droids in Distress", where we learned Kallus was responsible for the massacre of Zeb's people.  Check out the preview for "The Honorable Ones" below,
This is definitely an episode I am really looking forward to.  It feels like we may finally see a conclusion to the Zeb/Kallus storyline that's been running throughout the series.  Could we see one of them finally best the other?  Kallus had the upper hand the last time they fought, but Zeb definitely seems to have the upper hand in this clip.  I almost wonder if this will wind up being the final appearance for one of these two characters on the series.

It's also very interesting that they find themselves on a moon of Geonosis.  We know that Geonosians were instrumental in building the Death Star and the Death Star itself was built in orbit around Geonosis.  Rebels has hinted at the Death Star in the past (specifically in the episode "Breaking Ranks" where Kanan and Hera destroyed an Imperial transport carrying a Kyber Crystal that, combined with five others, would have powered the Death Star's main superlaser).  Could we see more hints at it?  Perhaps a subtle tie in to Rogue One?  That seems unlikely, but I doubt the series would take us to Geonosis without at least some hint at the Death Star's construction.

Star Wars Rebels airs Wednesday's at 9pm on Disney XD.

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