Monday, February 22, 2016

Rian Johnson Tweets Picture From Episode VIII Set

By: Dominic Jones

We learned last week that principle photography on Star Wars Episode VIII had begun with a short teaser for the filmNow, to celebrate the second week of filming beginning, director Rian Johnson tweeted a picture from the set.  Obviously, the picture doesn't contain any spoilers, but it's still cool to see whatever quick glimpses we can of what's going on on set.  Check out the picture below,

Johnson followed that tweet up with a little joke for anyone who feels he crossed the line with that last tweet,
It's nice to see Johnson being so open about what's going on on his set.  Obviously he, or anyone else at Lucasfilm for that matter, doesn't want to give away the whole movie before it comes out.  But these little nods to the fans, like the teaser last week and the picture this week, are a fun, spoiler free, way to let people know what's going on.

Source: Rian Johnson (Twitter)

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