Friday, February 19, 2016

Lucasfilm's Pablo Hidalgo Clarifies 'Episode VIII' Teaser is Not Just Unused Takes From 'The Force Awakens'

By: Dominic Jones

Last week when Lucasfilm announced that production had begun on Rian Johnson' Star Wars Episode VIII with the awesome teaser video featuring Johnson on set with Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker and Daisy Ridley as Rey, fans immediately began debating whether or not that was new footage shot by Johnson for Episode VIII or simply unused angles shot for the iconic final scene of  The Force Awakens.  Today, Lucasfilm's Pablo Hidlago confirmed (more or less) on Twitter that it was new footage shot by Johnson for Episode VIII that was seen in the teaser.

This raises the question, will Episode VIII pick up immediately where Episode VII left off?  If it does, it would be a first for Star Wars films (which typically have at least a year in between).

Big thanks to our buddy Steele Saunders of the Steele Wars Podcast for getting that answer from Pablo!

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