Thursday, February 18, 2016

Gwendoline Christie Weighs In on Captain Phasma Not Taking Her Helmet Off in 'The Force Awakens'

By: Dominic Jones

Gwendoline Christie spoke with Entertainment Weekly recently about her role as Captain Phasma in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (and its upcoming follow up, Episode VIII), specifically about the fact that her character never took her helmet off.  There are some fans who felt it was a waste of Christie's talent as an actor, while others feel it was a bold choice to keep her covered for the entire film.

Christie told EW,
“I thought it was a really interesting opportunity because as an actor I’m interested in transformation and different kinds of roles.  What’s the role about? Who is the character? What does the character mean in the function of a project or story? I thought it was a really interesting opportunity to play a female character where we formed an opinion of her based on her actions rather than the way she has been made flesh. And that concept within a Star Wars movie, a mainstream phenomenon, was very modern and interesting and exciting. I made no secret of the fact I wanted to be in the film, I campaigned hard to be in the film, but to be in it as that kind of character – she’s a woman, she’s in armor, the armor isn’t sexualized, and in the film we don’t see the actor’s face – I thought that was an exciting, modern concept. And obviously, I’m delighted to be in another film [Episode VIII].”

She was also asked how she went about preparing for the role and if she came up with any backstory for Phasma, to which Christie replied,
“I went about preparing for that part the way I would for any role – to make some decisions about who the character is and why they do what they do. I think everybody would like to find out more about the character in the future.”
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