Dubrovnik, Croatia has been a hotbed of activity recently as crews have been working on turning one of the cities streets into a set for Star Wars: Episode VIII. Being that the location is a public street, photos have been pouring out from various sources of the extensions that have been added to the buildings there. Our friends at Making Star Wars got a hold of some new images of the set which originated from Poslovni.hr. In them we get some more views of the street, as well as some closer looks a control panels that have been applied to the door casings. You can check out all the photos above and below:
As you can see some security guards appear to be keeping watch over the area. We can assume security will continue to be strengthened the closer we get to the beginning of filming, which is expected to start in a few weeks in Dubrovnik.
You can see more pictures of the set by clicking here and here, and video here.
Star Wars: Episode VIII opens in theaters on December 15th, 2017.
Source: Poslovni.hr
Via: Making Star Wars
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