Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Video: 'The Force Awakens' VFX: Before and After

By: Dominic Jones

The Star Wars films have always been known for their amazing and often groundbreaking special effects work and The Force Awakens is no exception.  The official YouTube channel for The Oscars has released the The Force Awakens VFX: Before and After Reel that was submitted for consideration for the "Best Visual Effects" Academy Award.  The video gives us an amazing look at all the work by the effects team and how the crew merged practical and CGI effects.  Check it out below,

Update: The original has disappeared, but another version has been added below:

How awesome is this Video Effects Reel from the Force Awakens? Thanks to John Daly for the footage.
Posted by Star Wars Edit Droid on Wednesday, January 13, 2016

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