Saturday, January 9, 2016

'The Force Awakens' Opens to $33 Million Saturday in China

 By: Dominic Jones

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has finally opened in China, bringing in $33 Million on Saturday.  This makes the film the biggest opening for a Disney film in China and the biggest opening Saturday for a film in China.  China is the final territory to receive the film, which as of yesterday has made $1,602,441,043 world wide at the box office.  Lucasfilm and Disney had been heavily marketing the film in China, where Star Wars had never been released commercially in theaters, it seems to be paying off.  The film had a premiere event with director JJ Abrams, Producer Kathleen Kennedy and its stars Daisy Ridley and John Boyega back on December 27th (pictured below).  The Force Awakens will play in China until February 8th

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