Monday, January 4, 2016

Rumor: New 'Rogue One' Character Names and Cast Members Revealed

By: Dominic Jones

While everyone is still coming down from the high of the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we needn't forget that another Star Wars movie is coming out in less than a year.  Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hits theatres on December 16th, 2016, directed by Gareth Edwards, and will tell the story about how a band of rebels who stole the plans to the first Death Star.  Outside of that, as well as the cast, little is known about the film.  

Some new, minor details about the film have come to light thanks to online resumes and a report from our friends at Jedi News.  First, (by way of Daisy Ridley Fan) came across a character name which may be for the main character of the film.  Actress Gabrielle Fritz lists, on her resume on Casting Call Pro, that she played Lyra Erso Picture Double in Rogue One.  This had led to speculation that Fitz is the double for Felicty Jones' character in the film, meaning that Lyra Erso is Jones' character name in the film.

In addition to that, Jedi News has a report about three more minor characters and the actors playing them in the new film.  They are, Bern Collaco as a stormtrooper, Angus Cook as a mechanic, and Nabilah Karim as a "samurai".  Obviously, having a "samurai" in the film raises some very interesting questions.  It seems likely that this is a codename of some kind, what significance that codename may have is still up in the air.

As always, this is just a rumor until confirmed or denied by Lucasfilm or Disney

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