Rogue One concept art revealed at Celebration Anaheim in April 2015 |
By: Dominic Jones
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has been dominating the headlines now that The Force Awakens has been in theaters for a couple of weeks. However, little is still known about the film. That's not to say there's no interest in the film, and it seems safe to assume we'll learn a lot more in the coming weeks and months. Right now, all we know is the director (Gareth Edwards), the release date (December 16, 2016), the cast (including Felicity Jones, Forest Whittaker, and Donnie Yen), and that the film will deal with a rebel band stealing the plans to the first Death Star. Our friends over at have posted a very interesting description of set from the film at Pinewood Studios. As usual, there is a chance this may be wrong, but if you are trying to avoid all Rogue One spoilers stop reading now! This is your SPOILER ALERT!
Making Star Wars reports that this set seems to have been shot on the backlot at Pinewood that was used for the exteriors at Maz's castle in The Force Awakens. According to MSW,
An X-wing crashed inside what appears to be an urban-like environment. The buildings are dirty and tan. At first one might think its architecture from Mos Espa or a settlement on Tatooine, but it is doubtful that’s what it is supposed to be. It should be noted that a few of the archways are still rounded in the same way they are on Tatooine. The foreground of the set is fitted with a large blue screen. You can see the blue screen in between the ruins of a wall or former building. The entire thing has been taken out by the X-wing that has just crashed through it. It looks like to me the place that was taken out is actually a round archway, an entrance into the city or port perhaps? The wall behind the X-wings has steam vents with water stains below the vents on the wall. One of the three vents actually has steam coming out of the vent, adding a nice touch of lived-in realism. Ropes or cables hang from one side of the street to the other side of the street like old telephone wires. The walls have circuit boxes and other tech connecting to the wires.
The X-wing fighter that has crashed appears to be the same kind of fighter the rebellion used when Luke Skywalker was flying for them, a T-65. However, this X-wing is black or very dark grey with white detailing. Unlike Poe Dameron’s ship in The Force Awakens, this fighter has no orange highlights. Instead the detailing on the fighter is white on the back of the wings, with the white detailing tracing the back outline of the chassis and the cockpit. Only one laser gun is visible on the collapsed wings. The lower guns likely busted off when the ship crashed to the ground, but you can see that ship has four engines and isn’t a Z-95. The ship isn’t on fire itself, but a little fire burns behind the craft. The X-wing’s canopy is up, which slightly obscures some of the ship; however, it doesn’t appear the X-wing has a slot for an astromech unit but I can’t say for certain thanks to the canopy being up. I would probably guess there is no astromech slot.
The ground is dirt, slightly sandy like the ground from a Western cowboy movie. The roads are not paved and never have been here. Stormtroopers roam the streets. These are the classic stormtroopers of the Original Trilogy era. There were at least five Stormtroopers on this set and it appears they are there to meet with or clash with the two men outside the X-wing. The stormtroopers are just normal troopers, no shoulder pauldrons with colors noting rank or anything like that.
On the street, two men walk in front of the wreckage of the black-and-white X-wing fighter. It isn’t clear if they were a part of the crash or if it was just a part of their entrance. The first man has a long rifle that in spirit seems to resemble Doc Brown’s riffle from Back to the Future Part III. He has a black leather trench coat on. His mask is dull red and the visor is like a cross between Kylo Ren and and the Imperial guards from Return of the Jedi. The other man has a brown trench coat and a really big rifle with a stock that reminds me of the guns used on Hoth by the rebels in The Empire Strikes Back. If I had to guess, I would say these two are probably bounty hunters or two of the coolest extras of all time.
The X-wing fighter that has crashed appears to be the same kind of fighter the rebellion used when Luke Skywalker was flying for them, a T-65. However, this X-wing is black or very dark grey with white detailing. Unlike Poe Dameron’s ship in The Force Awakens, this fighter has no orange highlights. Instead the detailing on the fighter is white on the back of the wings, with the white detailing tracing the back outline of the chassis and the cockpit. Only one laser gun is visible on the collapsed wings. The lower guns likely busted off when the ship crashed to the ground, but you can see that ship has four engines and isn’t a Z-95. The ship isn’t on fire itself, but a little fire burns behind the craft. The X-wing’s canopy is up, which slightly obscures some of the ship; however, it doesn’t appear the X-wing has a slot for an astromech unit but I can’t say for certain thanks to the canopy being up. I would probably guess there is no astromech slot.
The ground is dirt, slightly sandy like the ground from a Western cowboy movie. The roads are not paved and never have been here. Stormtroopers roam the streets. These are the classic stormtroopers of the Original Trilogy era. There were at least five Stormtroopers on this set and it appears they are there to meet with or clash with the two men outside the X-wing. The stormtroopers are just normal troopers, no shoulder pauldrons with colors noting rank or anything like that.
On the street, two men walk in front of the wreckage of the black-and-white X-wing fighter. It isn’t clear if they were a part of the crash or if it was just a part of their entrance. The first man has a long rifle that in spirit seems to resemble Doc Brown’s riffle from Back to the Future Part III. He has a black leather trench coat on. His mask is dull red and the visor is like a cross between Kylo Ren and and the Imperial guards from Return of the Jedi. The other man has a brown trench coat and a really big rifle with a stock that reminds me of the guns used on Hoth by the rebels in The Empire Strikes Back. If I had to guess, I would say these two are probably bounty hunters or two of the coolest extras of all time.
This sounds like a cool setting for a Star Wars scene. For more on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, check out this report from yesterday about some characters in the film.
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