Monday, January 11, 2016

Princess Leia to Appear in January 20th Return of 'Star Wars Rebels'

By: Dominic Jones

Star Wars Rebels is returning from its mid-season break with an appearance by another legacy character.  TV Insider broke the news today that Princess Leia would be making her small screen debut on Rebels when the show returns on January 20th with the episode "A Princess on Lothal".  Leia will be voiced by Julie Dolan, who also provided Leia's voice for the mobile game Star Wars: Uprising.

Executive Producer of Star Wars Rebels Dave Filoni told TV Insider,
“We thought we had an opportunity to show her learning to be a leader, experimenting with the personality that becomes the stronger more resolute character you see in A New Hope.  One of the complex challenges of depicting Leia in Rebels is that we have to remind the audience that at this point she is part of the Empire. She doesn’t believe in the Empire, but she is acting the part, almost a double agent.”

Star Wars Rebels returns on January 20th in a new timeslot, 9pm (half an hour earlier that during the first half of the season), with "A Princess on Lothal" on Disney XD!

You can watch a preview clip from the episode here.

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