Friday, January 1, 2016

Jason Wingreen | 1920 - 2015

By: Benjamin Hart

We have some sad news to report. It has come to our attention that actor Jason Wingreen, who is know to Star Wars fans as the original voice of Boba Fett in The Empire Strikes Back, passed away on Christmas day 2015 at the age of 95.

Wingreen was an accomplished actor with countless Television and Film credits. He was well know for numerous roles, including Harry the bartender on the hit TV sitcom All In The Family, along with parts in The Fugitive, The Twilight Zone, Airplane!(1980) and the original Star Trek series. Wingreen provided the voice for Boba Fett in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes for it's initial theatrical release in 1980. In the 2004 DVD release of the film his voice was replaced by that of Temuera Morrison's to match Boba's backstory established in the Prequel Trilogy.

In response to the news, Boba Fett Fan Club put together a video tribute to Jason Wingreen's performance as Boba Fett which you can check out below:

Jason Wingreen will always hold a special place in Star Wars history, and the hearts of Star Wars fans everywhere, as the original voice of the best bounty hunter in the Galaxy. On behalf of all of us at the Star Wars Underworld, I want to send our most sincere condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Wingreen. He will be greatly missed.

Source: Yahoo

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