Monday, December 28, 2015

'The Force Awakens' Becomes the Fastest movie to Gross $1 Billion

By: Dominic Jones

Another day, another box office record beaten by Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  The film became the fastest movie to earn $1 billion at the box office yesterday, doing so in just 12 days, beating Jurrasic World which had held the previous record of 13 days.  The film also took the record for biggest Christmas Weekend at the box office as well, making $153.5 million domestically.

The question is, how high will it go?  Could The Force Awakens dethrone Avatar?  I guess the answer to that is another question: how many times have you seen The Force Awakens and how many more times do you plan on seeing it?  Let us know in the comments.

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Unknown said...

2 times 3 to go

Unknown said...

Wait until China opens. Bye bye record.

Unknown said...

I've been 6 times already

Unknown said...

3 times and more soon

joshinhb said...

2 and I'm going at least once more

Avidicus said...

Twice already within 24 hours of opening and a 3rd time tomorrow. Woo Woo.

Stone Escribe said...

6 times

Unknown said...

This movie has WAYS more potential than JW, so I hope it breaks the records of JW...

Unknown said...

One time, two to go.

Unknown said...

2 times and maybe one more

Unknown said...

3 times more to go !

Unknown said...

2 Times... 2 to GO. Waiting on the Bluray release to see it a million times... LOL

Unknown said...

5 times and at least 2 to go

Unknown said...

3 times with a minimum of 2 to go ;)

Unknown said...

3 times so far at least 2 to go. Bye bye Avatar, this movie is is going to pass that record at this rate.

Unknown said...

7 times

Unknown said...

Twice and counting

Unknown said...

I've seen it three times. Plan on going at least several more. And yes, this movie went north of a billion without it even being shown in China. Wait 'till that happens.

Unknown said...

3 times

epistomai said...

2 times in 3 days, but since then... maybe once more after holidays if wife lets me (think not)

Everton Porter said...

Disney paid £4bn for Lucasfilm,right? And Star Wars VII has already made a quarter of that investment in just 10 days! And there's still six months before the DVD/bluray release.At this rate,Disney will have made its money back long before Episode VIII graces cinema screens next year.

Unknown said...

seen it twice. plan to go again at least three more times.

Abraham said...

i've seen it three times. i want to go imax at least once more. need that boom boom bass.

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