Sunday, December 13, 2015

New 'The Force Awakens' TV Spot

By: Dominic Jones

With just days to go until Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theaters, TV spots continue to be released.  This latest one is mostly made of of reused footage from previews trailers and TV spots, though it's still fun and worth checking out.  See it for yourself below,

In the words of Red Leader, "Almost there....almost there...."

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Benovite said...

I'm keeping my pants on!

Per Stausholm said...

Only 3 days here in Denmark :)

Per Stausholm said...

Only 3 days here in Denmark :)

Sla said...


pock101 said...

Anything new with Han and Chewie is a plus for me

W. Hawatky said...

Where's the new one that slipped an extra shot of Kylo twirling through the air at Finn in the dark, snowy forest? It's a continuation of the shot at the end of the 2nd trailer when Kylo charges at Finn.

I jumped off the couch when I saw that yesterday.

Kylo goes IN on Finn! lol

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