The excitement surrounding the first film in the upcoming Sequel Trilogy, The Force Awakens, is continuing to skyrocket. Meanwhile, Rian Johnson is hard at work writing and preparing to direct the next film in the Saga, Episode VIII. /Film has pointed us to a series of tweets by Johnson he shared yesterday in which he described a recent dream he had about a sequence he came up with for the film, which led to some hilarious results. You can read his tweets below:
Last night I dreamed I storyboarded an action scene that I was so excited about. I felt like "even if I mess the rest of the movie up, this
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) June 16, 2015
scene is going to blow the roof off the theater, it's so great." Then I realized I was dreaming in the dream, so I thought "I have to
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) June 16, 2015
concentrate now, and hold onto this sequence in my head when I wake up." And when I woke up - I had done it. I had the whole thing shot for
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) June 16, 2015
shot perfectly in my head, ready to shoot. Then I realized: it was a sequence where a Jedi fights a dog on a canoe.
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) June 16, 2015
As my friend John Gatins would say, "true story."
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) June 16, 2015
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) June 16, 2015
Very funny! It's always great to hear stories like this from behind the scenes, even if they don't have any bearing on the real story. I suppose we shouldn't expect a fight between a Dog and a Jedi on a Canoe, or should we? Be sure to follow Rian @rianjohnson on Twitter!Star Wars Episode VII opens in theaters May 26th, 2017!
Source: Rian Johnson(Twitter)
Via: /Film
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