Friday, January 2, 2015

Rumor: TIE Fighter Concept Art From 'The Force Awakens' Leaked

By: Dominic Jones

Another piece of concept art from Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens has been leaked online.  Indie Revolver has released an image of a new TIE fighter that will likely be seen in the new film.   Check it out below,

It seems clear to me that this will be a special class of TIE fighter, much like Darth Vader's TIE Advanced in A New Hope.  This is based on the fact you can see a normal TIE, as we are used to seeing in the classic trilogy and in the TFA teaser, to the left of the new TIE.  In addition, we can see two red Imperial guards standing at attention by the fighter's boarding ramp.  The question now is, whose TIE is this?  Kylo Ren?  Captain Phasma?  Someone else entirely?  It's obviously someone of great importance based on the guards and the number of troopers standing at attention.  I guess we'll have to wait until December 18th to find out.

Source: Indie Revolver

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