Saturday, November 29, 2014

Rumor: Identity of the Voice In the Trailer Revealed

By: Dominic Jones

One of the first questions everyone had after watching the awesome teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens was who is that voice doing the narration?  (And if you haven't watched the trailer yet, what are you waiting for??)  Drew McWeeny over at Yahoo believe they've found the answer.  According to McWeeny, 

"For the record, that is Andy Serkis you hear in the trailer. I was able to verify this, although I was not able to uncover any further information about the role he plays. Here's what I do know, though. He's playing a pivotal role in the film, although he will not have a lot of screen time."

Andy Serkis is someone who's role we hadn't heard much about, so to hear in the trailer was very intriguing.  I also find the sentence "He's playing a pivotal role in the film, although he will not have a lot of screen time" very interesting.  It definitely seems he is playing some kind of Force user.  Could this mean he's playing a Darth Sidious-esque role, in that he isn't seen much but is controlling a lot of what's happening behind the scenes?  Or, could he be the one who really understands what's going on and provides some pivotal exposition to our heroes?  Or, something else?  I guess we'll have to wait until December 18th, 2015 to find out!

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