Last week Kevin Smith revealed that he had visited Pinewood Studios, where Star Wars Episode VII is currently being filmed. While he first simply confirmed the visit, and later talked about it on a Podcast, /Film is now reporting that Smith recently spoke at the Neuchatel International Film Festival in Switzerland and was asked about his experience in London. This time he went into much greater detail about how he came to be invited to the set and what he saw there. Still, he couldn't talk specifics due to the NDA he signed, but what he did say was fascinating: Here's an excerpt from the talk:
"What I saw, I absolutely loved. It was tactile — it was real. It wasn’t a series of ***** green screens and blue screens in which later a bunch of digital characters would be added. IT was there, it was happening. I saw old friends who I haven’t seen since my childhood, who aren’t really friends, but I love them more than some of my ****** relatives. I saw uniforms, I saw artillery I haven’t seen since I was a kid. I saw them shooting an actual sequence in a set that was real. I walked across the set, there were explosions. And it looked like a shot right out of a Star Wars movie."
He also visited the Millennium Falcon set on Stage M:
"He turns the lights on and there is the Millennium Falcon from my childhood. Now the ship outside looks like a movie set, but the inside, fully replicated, fully built. The guy told me, they took two blueprints: Star Wars and Empire, because the cockpit in Empire was bigger than the cockpit in Star Wars. So they went somewhere between the two. So he takes me over and I’m just looking at it. You look at it from the outside and you can still see inside. I don’t presume we’re going aboard or anything, and then Morgan (JJ’s assistant) says “You ready to go up?” I said (excitedly) “We can go on it?!”"
You can watch the full discussion here. Although be warned, it is full of strong language.
Source: /Film
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