By: David Gremillion
You’re not going to like Episode VII.
You’re not going to like Rebels.
You’re not going to like Hasbro’s line of figures.
You’re not going to like the video games.
You’re not going to like anything.
Get five people in a room together and the odds are you might have this
conversation. Change is scary, something new and different is feared by
the masses, and change is rarely ever seen as a good thing.
Someone won’t like the movie. Even If they are given the greatest
cinematic triumph in our generation, they’ll recall fond memories what
the Lucas directing style was like. They’ll say that Episode VII doesn’t
“feel” like Star Wars or that it reminds them of JJ Abrams’s “Into
Darkness” movie.
I’m just being senile, you say?
Star Wars: Attack Squadrons was cancelled. Naturally, this sparked
immediate outrage from the Fanboy community. Responses included dismay
at the evil and wretched Disney Corporation for closing down one of
their beloved games. Never mind that the game wasn’t that good. It was
bland, generic, and un-inspired. You could pull out the X-Wings and TIE
Fighters, put in Wing Commander ships, and you wouldn’t notice a
difference. The game never got out of beta.
Yet the outrage remained. Now let’s drum up an alternate scenario.
Disney/Lucasfilm/Star-Wars-Generic-Gaming releases Attack Squadrons for
the PC and calls it the “first step into a new generation of Star Wars
games”. Fanboys can’t wait and rush down to GameStop or Best Buy, fork
out $29.99, rush back home, and cry over the lack of a return policy.
Now the outrage is how Disney is “dumbing down” Star Wars gaming.
They’ll compare it to X-Wing and TIE Fighter from the 1990s and burn
Mickey Mouse in effigy in their mom’s basement. Further righteous posts
will flood social media saying that Disney doesn’t care about Star Wars,
just money. How dare they release such a horrid game that insults the
fan-base that “deserves” better than this poodoo.
You can’t please everyone. Rebels will be slammed as a huge,
embarrassing failure by someone you know. Episode VII will be called an
abomination. The new Battlefront game will be absolutely horrible.
There’s no stopping the disappointment from some fans. A piece of the
core of humanity itself is to have opinions that differ from each other.
You can spend your entire life debating about what is “good” with
someone only to go insane from the argument itself. You just can’t
please everyone.
Even this opinion piece will not be treasured by every person who reads
it…for some strange reason.
This article is an opinion piece and represents the views of the writer, and not the entire Star Wars Underworld organization.
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