Thursday, March 27, 2014

Opinion: What's Next?

By: David Gremillion

Rebels, Movies, and Games…What’s Next?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock since October of 2012, you know that Disney acquired the rights to just about all things Star Wars. They announced new movies, spin-off movies, origin stories, a review of the EU, a new TV series, new games, and so on. It seems that the dawn of a New Era is upon all Star Wars fans across our planet.

So, what else ya got?

Disney is known for exactly three things. First, for creating the happiest place on Earth. Seriously, visit Disney World for a week and (assuming you aren’t broke afterwards) you’ll be planning your trip back before you know it. Disney World is basically “The Nexus” crammed into sixty-six square miles of land. Second, they know marketing. Visit a Disney Store, you’ll see what I mean. Finally, they know crossovers. I’m not talking about little Easter Eggs like Rapunzel appearing in Frozen, I mean outright mergers.

Tempted to stop reading? Check out the crossovers that have come ONLY on the Disney Channel and Disney XD:
  • Austin & Jessie & Ally (Austin & Ally + Jessie)
  • Duncan Dream House (Good Luck Charlie + The Muppets)
  • Weasels on Deck (I’m in the Band + The Suite Life on Deck)
  • Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana (Wizards of Waverly Place + Suite Life on Deck + Hannah Montana)
  • That’s So Suite Life of Hannah Montana (That’s So Raven + The Suite Life + Hannah Montana)
But surely this is just limited to what goes on within Disney, right? Try telling that to “Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel” which crosses Phineas and Ferb with Ultimate Spider-Man and Avengers Assemble…and don’t call me Shirley.

The list goes on to include Hercules teaming up with Aladdin, The Muppets meeting Mickey Mouse, Lilo and Stitch hanging out with Kim Possible, and so on.

Don’t get me started on Kingdom Hearts.

With Disney now owning Star Wars, is it inconceivable to believe that a Star Wars crossover is not in our future at some point? Speculation has been slowing ramping up about the possibility of seeing our beloved characters in different universes, not counting Patton Oswalt’s hilarious seven minute rant about Episode VII.

A possibility? Only time will tell, but this writer would not be surprised to see it happen. After all, it is what Disney is known for. 

This article is an opinion piece and represents the views of the writer, and not the entire Star Wars Underworld organization


Unknown said...

How ridiculous. Drake & Josh does not equal Star Wars...

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