Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Rumor: Princess Leia Being Re-Cast

By: Dominic Jones

Have you got your salt shaker ready?  Good.  Prepare to take this next rumor with a sizable helping of salt.  Our friends over at Jedi News are reporting that an inside source has told them that a casting call is set to take place in Soho, London for the role of Leia Organa on February 26.  

Wow!  Did not expect that one.  Since the announcement of Episode VII we've all assumed that the big three from the original trilogy (Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford) would be appearing in the film.  Could the decision have been made to not include Carrie Fisher in that reunion?  Or can we expect the the other two to be re-cast as well?

I, for one, doubt that we won't be seeing Carrie Fisher in Episode VII.  It has been confirmed that Lucasfilm and Disney have spoken with them and she has "confirmed" her involvement multiple times.  That being said, this rumor could be true AND Carrie Fisher could still be in the film.  Here are three ways that could be true
  1. It's Leia Organa Jr!  Who's to say Leia and Han don't name one of her children after one of the greatest heroes of the rebellion?
  2. Episode VII will be the first movie to feature flashbacks!  If Abrams, Kasdan, Kennedy, and co. decide they want to flashback to during the rebellion it would be impossible for any of the big three to play their roles during those scenes and thus they have to be re-cast
  3. This casting call is for a spin-off film!  The spin-off films are largely shrouded in mystery, but work must be getting started on them if they are to meet the 2016 release date.  If the film is set during the time frame of the Original Trilogy (or even before) and Princess Leia is going to be in it, then I would say she must be re-cast
So, while this rumor may seem initially to be a bit 'out there', there are a few logical explanations for it.  I find it most likely that this is for a spin-off film, and NOT Episode VII.

As always, this is just a rumor until confirmed or denied by Lucasfilm and/or Disney.

You can follow Dominic on Twitter: @DominicJ25


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