Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Report: Mark, Carrie & Harrison To Begin Working On Episode VII In March/April

By: Benjamin Hart

Carrie spilled the beans again! Even though Lucasfilm has said nothing about Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill's involvement in Star Wars Episode VII, or any other potential cast members for that matter, that hasn't stopped Carrie from talking openly about their return to Star Wars. Recently it was announced that both Carrie and another Star Wars co-star, James Earl Jones, will be appearing on a future episode of CBS' hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory. In an interview with TV Guide she let it be know when she expects to begin working on the new film:

As for the next Star Wars film, Fisher says she, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill are expected to report to work in March or April. "I'd like to wear my old [cinnamon buns] hairstyle again — but with white hair," she says. "I think that would be funny."

So, yeah, even though we've had no confirmation, it sounds like we'll be seeing Han, Luke and Leia back on the big screen in 2015! And if you want to believe any of the recent rumors, the "big three" might have a much bigger roles than we first imagined. But, as always, we will await official word from Lucasfilm.

In the meantime, feel free to geek out with us in Club SWU on Facebook!


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