Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Is The Expanded Universe About To Be Rebooted?

By: Benjamin Hart

Star Wars canon has been a hot topic for years now. Arguments about what's canon and what's not have been common in the Star Wars fan community. Star Wars: The Clone Wars sparked controversy many times when the series, over the course of it's five seasons, contradicted storylines that were previously established in Novels and Comics. One of the largest portions of the Expanded Universe is the post-'Return Of The Jedi' era, which is now in danger of being overwritten with upcoming Sequel Trilogy. We have been anxiously awaiting word on what Disney and Lucasfilm's plans are for the EU. Now we may have our answer. Lucasfilm's "Holorcon Keeper", Leland Chee, tweeted a few interesting things recently that could give us an idea on how canon will be handled in the near future.

Firstly, when brought into a conversation about Star Wars canon, Chee mentions Pablo Hidalgo(@infinata) and the LFL story group:

And when about how this will affect upcoming Star Wars projects:

It has been established for some time now that Lucasfilm has been using the "Holocron" system, where stories are separated into different levels of canon based on their medium. For example; G-canon comprises the films, T-canon is made up of TV series such as The Clone Wars, C-canon includes books, comics, ect., and so on. Now it seems the story group is reworking this system:

Star Wars continuity has not been in great shape, even before the aforementioned changes caused by The Clone Wars. With hundreds of different creators working in the same universe, there is no way for every single existing book, comic, TV show and movie to fit together seamlessly without contradictions.  And if they tried to make the new films adhere to the current EU timeline, or directly adapt a novel or comic into a movie , it would no doubt be a disaster in more than one way. EU fans would expect it to be faithful to the source material, which movies never are. And those who aren't familiar the Expanded Universe would be lost in the complicated stories. The best thing to do now is to leave the Expanded Universe as it is and move forward with a brand new, separate storyline for the films. A "Reboot", if you will. Then, those behind the scenes will have more creative freedom to not only make their own stories unhindered, but to take select aspects of the EU, like Characters, planets, ships, and plotlines, and insert them into future films. Of course, I'm just speculating, and hoping, at this point. But it certainly sounds like the team at Lucasfilm may be headed in that direction. Hopefully in the future we can focus less on what is and isn't canon, and more on enjoying the continuing Star Wars Saga.

Well, you've heard my opinion, now I'd love to hear yours. Fire away in the comments below, tweet us @TheSWU, or join the discussion in Club SWU on Facebook!

The opinion expressed in this article are that of the author's and do not necessarily represent the views of the entire Star Wars Underworld organization.

Source: Jedi News


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